Donald Trump’s Bizarre Prison Song Hits #1 on iTunes

Donald Trump tearing up the music charts probably wasn’t on anyone’s bingo card for 2023. Yet, here we are. In

Donald Trump J6 Prison Choir

Donald Trump tearing up the music charts probably wasn’t on anyone’s bingo card for 2023.

Yet, here we are.

In 2023’s latest bizarroland twist, a song by Trump and “the J6 Prison Choir” has dethroned Miley Cyrus’ “Flowers” for the top spot on iTunes.


Donald Trump and the Prison Choir

The song, known as “Justice for All,” is composed of Trump reciting the pledge of allegiance while inmates in prison for their roles in the attempted insurrection on January 6 sing the “Star Spangled Banner.”

If it sounds really odd, creepy, and cult-like, that’s probably because that’s exactly how it comes off.

The Hill reports, “On Saturday, the J6 Prison Choir single ‘Justice for All,’ outperformed pop star Miley Cryus’ single ‘Flowers.’

The song includes the choir of inmates singing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ as Trump can be heard reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in portions of the 2-minute track. The song ends with the choir repeatedly chanting ‘USA!’

Trump recorded his part at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, while the choir recorded their parts of the song using a jailhouse phone, according to Variety.

Even after grabbing the top spot on the iTunes chart, ‘Justice for All’ failed to appear on the music streaming platform Spotify’s list of the top 50 most streamed songs of the day on Saturday afternoon.

The single also has been viewed 504,000 times on YouTube since its March 4 release.”

So it’s wildly popular, but no one’s streaming it, or watching it on YouTube?
Sounds fishy, but it’s totally on brand.

Why is there a J6 Prison Song?

Donald Trump J6 Prison Choir

Of course everyone wants to know – why does the song exist to begin with?

And that’s a question no one really has an answer to.

Trump has been pushing in recent weeks to release all of the prisoners currently convicted or awaiting trial for January 6.

He even went on a media tour of sorts through Fox News, with host Tucker Carlson airing highly edited footage to make the J6 protestors look peaceful and calm.

But none of that explains why he would record a song with the prisoners, an eerie and pseudo-patriotic affair that sounds more like a funeral dirge than anything else.

But in the world of Trump, nothing making sense makes perfect sense.

While the song was trending (or not?) on iTunes this weekend, Trump was busy blasting his favorite enemies, including Ron DeSantis and the media – all while gathering his troops for a 2024 campaign that promises to be messy and dramatic.
